
Passed Events

Save energy today and tomorrow webinar recording

05 Jun 2020

Thank you to all who have attended the "Save energy today and tomorrow" webinar! You can watch the recording of the webinar here

Save energy today and tomorrow webinar

02 Jun 2020

Did you know that the building sector represents the largest share of energy consumption in Europe (40 %)? Improvement of energy efficiency in the existing building stock is one of Europe´s key challenges. The CREATE project aims to tackle this challenge by developing a compact heat storage module (heat battery). Join us for the webinar on the 2nd of June to find out more. For further information and registration link, click here.

create webinar flyer

CREATE cluster workshop postponed!

17 Apr 2020

As we have informed earlier, the CREATE project will be a part of a cluster workshop “Renewable Heating and Cooling Solutions for Buildings and Industry” that will take place at the Sustainable Places 2020 in Aix-les-Bains, France. The event is postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. The new date has been set to October 28 - 30th 2020.

Sustainable Places 2020 edit

CREATE Newsletter #7 is out!

02 Apr 2020

7th CREATE project newsletter is out! If you are not a subscriber, you can get it here!

CREATE participation in cluster workshop

03 Mar 2020

We are delighted to announce that the CREATE project will be a part of a cluster workshop “Renewable Heating and Cooling Solutions for Buildings and Industry” that will take place at the Sustainable Places 2020 in Aix-les-Bains, France. 

The date of the workshop is the 4th of June from 1400 to 1730

RHC Workshop SP20 BW v3


CREATE workshop postponed

02 Mar 2020

The ESE2020 Expo is postponed due to the coronavirus spread in Europe. Read the full statement from the organizers here.

This means that the CREATE project public workshop "Save energy today and tomorrow" is also postponed as it was scheduled in Düsseldorf as part of the ESE EXPO 2020 trade fair. Right now there are ongoing discussions about the alternative fair dates.

CREATE final video

20 Feb 2020

Brand new 


Create project demo site update!

10 Dec 2019

All the systems are installed and monitored in real-life conditions at our demo site in Warsaw, Poland. The gathered data is used to evaluate the efficiency of the overall setup. Keep up the great work!

create demo coll

Have you seen all the Create project videos?

02 Dec 2019

We have decided to place them on our website so you can watch them all without any troubles. Learn more about the project ideas from the graphical video, developed technologies from the technological video and the CREATE demo site from our last video.

And stay tuned, because new videos are coming soon!


WindEurope Offshore 2019

18 Nov 2019

Europe's largest offshore wind conference & exhibition is coming to Copenhagen in just one week! The focus of this year's edition is on answering the question "How offshore wind will help Europe go carbon neutral?"

Are you going to Denmark?

Workshop report

26 Sep 2019

On the 26th September the Create project public workshop "Save energy, save environment: HEAT BATTERIES" was held in Warsaw Poland.

During the workshop, various topics of CREATE project were presented & the presentations were followed by a visit to the Warsaw demo site.

We are really happy that we could share our experiences with the audience and we hope you have enjoyed it as much as we did! See you next time!

Create video install

Save energy, save environment: Heat Batteries

17 Sep 2019

The agenda of the "Save energy, save environment: HEAT BATTERIES" Workshop is now public. Take a look and register to the event via the link below.

See you in Warsaw on 26th September!

Create video install

CONTAINER Installation

27 Aug 2019

As you know, the Create project container was successfully installed on the demo site in Warsaw, Poland.

But how do you transport the container?

Just watch, the whole process was captured on camera!

Create video install

Demo site updates

19 Aug 2019

We are happy to announce that the demo site in Warsaw is going well. Our Create project container was successfully delivered & installed on site. Take a look at the process in our gallery. More information will follow! Keep in touch!

Photo by Mostostal Warszawa SA

create install

CREATE workshop next month

15 Aug 2019

We are happy to announce the next Create project workshop! During the GA meeting and WS, there will be an opportunity to see the create demo site. Check your diary and save the date!

create hotel

CREATE demo site posters

05 Aug 2019

We are working hard to finish all the work at the Create project demo site in Warsaw, Poland. We want to keep you updated, so until the full demo is ready we share with you two posters designed by FENIX TNT for the demo site.

Find the posters HERE!


CREATE Poster from Leipziger Symposium

18 Jul 2019

On 14th May the Leipziger Symposium of Dynamic Sorption took place in Leipzig, Germany and we were there. Create project was presented by Michael Reisenbichler from AEE. Now we are happy to share with you the presented poster titled "Thermochemical Storage System: Compactness Increase due to a Prismatic Shaped Storage Module."

Read more about the CREATE storage module and its results!


CREATE project at IRES conference

09 Jul 2019

This year's IRES conference was held from 12th to 14th March in Düsseldorf, Germany and CREATE project was there! The presentation "Experimental Results of a 200 kWh Thermochemical Heat Storage System for Domestic Application" was led by the representatives from AEE Intec.

IRES with more than 650 experts from the scientific community, is the largest conference on energy storages ranging from battery storage to thermal and mechanical storage up to Power2Gas and their practical applications in Europe. It was great and we cannot wait for the next year!


IRES conference


20 Jun 2019

On 12th June, we have been participating in the 7th TESSe2b Workshop in Warsaw. Olga Jaksch from Mostostal has been leading the presentation of Create project and we are happy to share with you photos from the event!

Congratulations to TESSe2b on organizing another great workshop. See you next time! 

tesse2b june 19 group

TESSe2b workshop in Warsaw

13 Jun 2019

We were in Warsaw at TESSe2b workshop yesterday!
Olga Jaksch from Mostostal presented Create project! Cannot wait for the next event!

tesseěb june 2019


30 May 2019

Another TESSe2b workshop is fast approaching! This time, the workshop will take place on 12th June 2019 in Warsaw, Poland.
We are happy to announce that Create project will be presented at the workshop by Olga Jaksch from Mostostal Warszawa SA.

Learn more about that project on their project website.

7th tesse2b workshop

Presentation at EUROTHERM

23 May 2019

On Thursday 16th May, Samuel Knabl from AEE has presented prototype results of the Create project at the Eurotherm Seminar in Lleida, Spain. The conference took place from 15th to 17th May at the facilities of the Universitat de Lleida (UdL).
The presentation of our partners from AEE has been a part of Session 8 - Thermal energy storage in buildings II. 



16 May 2019

Our cluster project SCORES released a new edition of their newsletter. Scores project focuses on optimization of self-consumption of renewable energy and hybrid storage systems. In the newsletter designed by FENIX TNT, you can learn about the redox heat battery (by TNO), the project updates and both planned and performed events.

Take a look HERE.

Advances in Thermal Energy Storage!

02 May 2019

Create project representatives from AEE are planning to present our project at the Seminar on Advances in Thermal Energy Storage in Lleida, Spain. The event will be held at the Universitat de Lleida (UdL) between the 15th and 17th May.

This seminar will bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry, who are working in the rapidly expanding field of thermal energy storage. You can read the full list of topics of this seminar along with other information at the ECES website.


25 Apr 2019

Have you heard about our cluster H2020 project SCORES?

Its goal is to optimize the self-consumption of renewable energy and defer investments in the energy grid. Interesting, isn't it?
Take a look at the promo video created by FENIX TNT and learn more about SCORES project!

scores video

CREATE poster from WSED19

09 Apr 2019

At the end of February, Create project was presented at World Sustainable Energy Days in Wels, Austria. The presentation was a part of "Save today, use tomorrow! - Thermal Energy Storage Systems" workshop.

AEE prepared a scientific poster for the event and now we have the opportunity to share it with you!
Take a look at it and learn more about the compact thermochemical storage system.

WSED poster

7th GA & EAB Meeting

02 Apr 2019

From 26th to 28th March 2019, Create project 7th General Assembly and External Advisory Board Meeting took place at the "Academisch Genootschap" (Academic Society) in #Eindhoven, Netherlands.

During the meeting, EAB members were informed about the finished tasks, achieved goals and critical points of the CREATE project. GA meeting updated project partners on the project status, results, challenges and future plans. 
It was a pleasure to meet all people involved in CREATE project and we already look forward to tasks ahead of us and our next meeting. 


Eurotherm Seminar in Lleida

27 Mar 2019

Jelle Houben and Henk Huinink (both from TU Eindhoven) will give talks at the Eurotherm Seminar °112 - "Advances in thermal energy storage."
It will take place from 15th to 17th May 2019 at the Universitat de Lleida (UdL) in Spain. This conference provides a forum for discussion among academics, researchers, and professionals who work in the field of thermal energy storage.

You can still register for the seminar HERE.
See you in Lleida!



22 Mar 2019

Leyla-Cann Sögütoglu and her colleagues from TU Eindhoven, UOH & TNO got a paper accepted in Crystal Growth and Design - a monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the American Chemical Society.

Paper named "Understanding the Hydration Process of Salts: The Impact of a Nucleation Barrier" is now available online and you can read it HERE.

General Assembly meeting in Eindhoven

14 Mar 2019

Next General Assembly Meeting is taking place in Eindhoven, Netherlands, in just two weeks. It is scheduled from 26th to 28th March and we are already looking forward to it!

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CREATE at WSED 2019!

07 Mar 2019

We presented our project in Wels, Austria!
Our presentation was a part of "SAVE TODAY, USE TOMORROW!" workshop, that was held on 28th February and was organized within the World Sustainable Energy Days 2019.
CREATE project was represented by Rebekka Koell. She was joined by Samuel Knabl (both from Aee Intec, Austria) for the interactive poster session.
Thanks to all of the participants, visitors and partners.
WSED2019 was a great experience and we cannot wait for another opportunity to show you the newest updates of CREATE project.


CREATE project on the Vertigo Starts website

18 Jan 2019

Read about our project on the Vertigo Starts website!
The VERTIGO project is a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) supported by the H2020 Program of the European Commission. The project gathers a consortium of experienced partners in the fields of art-science collaborations, design, Tech research and innovation. It includes an international network of cultural institutions which will relay and disseminate the activities to their own networks.
CR stars web

World Sustainable Days detailed programme

04 Jan 2019

As we previously informed you, we will attend and present our project during the workshop at the World Sustainable Days in Austria in February. What can you expect from this event?
7 conferences, a major tradeshow, technical sites visits, poster presentation and much more!
Visit the website and download a detailed programme HERE.
Once you are registered to the WSED, register also to our workshop „Save today, Use tomorrow“ HERE.
CR WSED conf agenda

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

18 Dec 2018

CR merry christmas

Short CREATE project video released!

30 Nov 2018

We have prepared a short video about the CREATE project.
What are we currently working on? Watch the video


23 Nov 2018

Six H2020 research and innovation projects (CREATEHYBUILDSCORESTESSE2BTHERMOSS and SUNHORIZON) are pleased to invite you to the World Sustainable Energy Days in Wels, Austria workshop "SAVE TODAY, USE TOMORROW" – Thermal Energy Storage Systems which will be held within the session "Innovation Workshops Energy and Buildings" of the World Sustainable Energy Days in Wels, Austria.
Workshop registration is free of charge, but it is necessary to be registered on the WSED conference in order to participate in the workshop.

 28th February 2019, afternoon session
Where? Stadthalle Wels, Pollheimerstrasse 1, A-4600, Wels, Austria
Register to the workshop HERE
Register to WSED HERE
Download the workshop flyer HERE
Contact person: Petra Colantonio, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Save today flyer

CREATE project presentation during 8th ECTP conference

15 Nov 2018

Actors from the whole construction value-chain, including academia, industry, and representatives of the European were discussing the topics of innovation in the Built Environment in Europe at the 8th ECTP conference.
In addition, the ECTP conference offered an exhibition area in which key results from innovation projects were presented. FENIX TNT represented our project via stand and partners from MOSTOSTAL presented the roll-up poster during the poster session.
8th ectp pic

10th session of the Scientific Council of BIC Brno

09 Nov 2018

The 10th session of the Scientific Council of BIC Brno took place on October 25, 2018. This time at the premises of the innovative company ENBRA a.s.
FENIX TNT presented the CREATE project within the "Energy Efficiency as a Key Theme" section. The presentation was focused on examples of good practice of projects supported by the H2020 program, focusing on new eco-materials and eco-solutions in construction.
CR enbra

8th ECTP conference - poster session, agenda

02 Nov 2018

CREATE project will be introduced at the ECTP conference by representatives from Mostostal during the poster session. Don´t forget to register HERE.
Detailed agenda HERE.
8th ectp

TESSe2b conference in Athens

19 Oct 2018

On November 3, 2018 ASHRAE Hellenic Chapter will host the thematic TESSe2b conference in Athens, Greece. The conference will be focused on the energy storage targeted to Energy Efficient Buildings. FENIX TNT will present the CREATE project there, together with other H2020 projects: SCORES and E2VENT.
More info HERE.
CR TESSE2B Nov 2018

General Assembly meeting after 36 months

11 Oct 2018

The CREATE consortium met during the General Assembly meeting after 36 months in Brussels, Belgium. This meeting was followed by the Review meeting with Project Officer and Project Technical Advisor where all partners presented the project progress.
CR M36 meeting

8th ECTP conference

25 Sep 2018

FENIX TNT will present the CREATE project via booth and brochures during the upcoming edition of the ECTP conference “When EU Construction Industry shapes high-tech Sustainable Built Environment”. The 8th ECTP open Conference will take place in Brussels on November 13-14, 2018 and will be dedicated to present and discuss current and anticipated innovation in the built environment field.
This event is a key opportunity to meet and network with experts, receive a full update on RDI in the construction sector and be informed on new and innovative technical developments.
Register HERE.
See you there!
8th ectp

CREATE meeting is coming!

14 Sep 2018

CR M36

PCMs4Buildings seminar

07 Sep 2018

CREATE project was presented by Luis Coelho, in the seminar - PCMs4Buildings in June 2018, Dep. of Chemical Engineering - University of Coimbra, Portugal within the presentation of TESSe2b project. 
More information HERE.
CR Luis Coelho

Video making in Austria

31 Aug 2018

FENIX TNT is currently working on the video which will briefly describe the progress of the project. The filming took place during the last General Assembly meeting in Gleisdorf, Austria. We also had a chance to visit AEE INTEC laboratories and see the CREATE prototype which you will see in the upcoming video!
CR filming

TESSe2b Conference

09 Aug 2018

CREATE project will be part of the TESSe2b Conference: “Thermal Energy Storage Systems for Energy Efficient Buildings“. An integrated solution for residential building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources” which will be held within the “ENERGY in BUILDINGS” Conference on 3rd November 2018 in Athens, Greece.
“ENERGY in BUILDINGS” is an International Conference that will take place for the seventh consecutive year. It brings together Engineers, Architects, Academics and Professionals of different disciplines and other stakeholders who contribute to and advance the state of art of the built environment.
We will keep you updated.

5th CREATE project newsletter released

31 Jul 2018

FENIX TNT has just released the fifth CREATE newsletter summarazing the progress of the last 6 months. Subscribe or download on our website. Enjoy!


CREATE at Sustainable Places

10 Jul 2018

On 27th June, AEE INTEC introduced the CREATE project within the workshop called “The future of energy storage” (organized by R2M Solution from the HYBUILD project) at Sustainable Places 2018. SP2018 was held in Aix-les-Bains, France from 27th to 29th June. Other H2020 projects presented within this workshop were: HYBUILD, Scores project, E2vent project, TESSe2b and STORY project.

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CREATE project in the EeB PPP Project Review 2018

02 Jul 2018

CREATE project has been mentioned in the annual publication of the ECTP portal “The EeB PPP Project Review 2018”. This yearly publication presents the progress of a portfolio of 168 European research projects aiming at developing new technologies for energy efficient buildings. 110 projects are co-funded within the EeB PPP under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) from 2010 to 2013 and 58 projects are co-funded under the Horizon 2020 programme between 2014 and 2017.
Find the CRETE project on the page nr. 68.

create ectp publication


29 Jun 2018

CREATE project was introduced to the representatives of the China Academy of Building Research (CABR) who visited the FENIX TNT premises in Brno, Czech Republic on 26th June. CABR is the largest comprehensive R&D institution in the building sector in China. Their research and business cover 70 fields of such specialities as building structure, soil foundation, earthquake-resistance engineering, building environment and energy efficiency, building software, construction mechanization, building fire-prevention, construction technology and building materials. In recent years, CABR has put more efforts into research and development of technologies concerning green buildings, new energy applications, disaster prevention and mitigation and intelligent integration.
CREATE project was presented via video, presentation and brochures.

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31 May 2018

CREATE project was introduced by representatives of the Eindhoven university of Technology during the Energy Now Congress taking place on 17th May in the Evoluon congress centre in Eindhoven, Netherlands. Energy Now is a yearly organised congress aimed at students and professionals from different technical disciplines. The congress outlines recent developments regarding the energy transition through several elements.
More about this event HERE.

General Assembly meeting after 30 months

25 May 2018

CRATE project consortium met during the General Assembly meeting after 30 months at AEE Intec in Gleisdorf, Austria, 23-24 May 2018. The consortium discussed the overall progress of the project and plan for the next 6-month period.
Thanks to the fact that the meeting was held at AEE Intec premises, all partners had a chance to see the CREATE prototype that is being tested in the AEE INTEC laboratory.
During the meeting were also filmed interviews with project partners for the project video which will be created by FENIX TNT in the second half of the project. 
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CREATE social impact survey

18 May 2018

Help us to collect the views of different stakeholders and identify their needs, habits and preferences related to thermal storage systems. The survey should only take 5 minutes. More information in section "Social Impact".

CREATE project is a part of the European Energy Innovation summer 2018 edition!

04 May 2018

We proudly inform you that the article about the CREATE project was released in the European Energy Innovation magazine. You can find the full article in the online version of the magazine here.
European Energy Innovation is a free quarterly publication providing an authoritative stream of well-written informative articles that keep you up to date with the latest thinking on Energy and Transport in Europe. It has an estimated readership of 20,000 opinion leaders in industry, research, academia, the EU Parliament, European Commission and National Governments.



30 Apr 2018

Fenix team represented the CREATE project at Building Fairs in Brno, Czech Republic. From 25. to 28.4. 2018 visitors had a chance to see a unique presentation of all aspects of housing and house constructions, building management services, technical solutions and equipment. It was a great networking opportunity for FENIX to communicate with professionals and wide public about the European research projects.
More information at http://www.bvv.cz/en/building-fairs-brno/
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Great chance to see the CREATE project at Building Fairs in Brno!

25 Apr 2018

Save the date for visiting Building Fairs in Brno. From 25. to 28.4. 2018 you will have a chance to see a unique presentation of all aspects of housing and house constructions, building management services, technical solutions and equipment. The CREATE project will be presented by FENIX TNT via booth, brochures, video and roll-up.
More information at http://www.bvv.cz/en/building-fairs-brno/

CREATE promo video is now published on the EU Agenda website

13 Apr 2018

We have published the CREATE promo video on the EU Agenda website – access the video here. EU Agenda is a hub for all things EU. They aggregate, curate and publish the best policy content about EU projects from hundreds of sources.
EUAgenda logo complete jpg

CREATE at BUDMA Fair in Poland

26 Feb 2018

Fenix team represented CREATE project at BUDMA Fair in Poznan, Poland, 30.1.-2.2.2018. BUDMA is the largest construction fair in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe with more than 800 exhibitors from all over the world. It´s a unique opportunity to introduce new products to wide public and a rich source of latest market information. The CREATE was presented via stand, roll-up, video, and brochures.

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CREATE project at BUDMA Fair in Poland

30 Jan 2018

pp 2451 The CREATE project will be presented by FENIX TNT at BUDMA - INTERNATIONAL
 in Poznan, Poland. The fair will take place
 from 30th January to 2nd February 2018. 
 BUDMA is the largest construction industry trade fair in Poland and Central and Eastern
 Europe. The fair is dedicated to the four major groups of visitors: architects, traders,
 contractors, and developers. Each year, more than 800 exhibitors meets here over 45 000
 professionals. Exhibitors exposure is complemented by a rich programme of events,
 debates, conferences and seminars regarding the latest trends and regulation industry
 held by the recognized industry authorities.


4th CREATE Newsletter release – January 2018

26 Jan 2018

We have released the fourth CREATE newsletter, you can download it as a PDF file here.

CREATE newsletter

EKOinnovation forum in Krtiny, Czech Republic

30 Nov 2017

The CREATE project was introduced within the FENIX´s presentation at the EKOinnovation Forum on 30th November in Krtiny, Czech Republic. The forum aims to accelerate the emergence of modern solutions into everyday life. Participants were provided with an interesting discussion of current and future trends in this area and introduced modern sustainable technologies that can provide European Union countries with global competitiveness.

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Info Day Horizon 2020 in Prague

22 Nov 2017

On 22nd of November 2017, the Technological Center of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic organized an information day focused on the Horizon 2020 programme (with emphasis on Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing) in the National Technical Library in Prague. The CREATE project was introduced by Petra Colantonio from FENIX TNT.

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The CREATE project at CAE conference

06 Nov 2017

The CREATE project was presented by FENIX TNT team at the 33rd International CAE Conference and Exhibition in Vincenza, Italy on 6th and 7th November 2017.

The conference and exhibition cover the rich landscape of Simulation Based Engineering and Sciences; distinguished speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, training courses and dedicated Research Agora are all there to enrich the experience with their leading insight in the use of simulation to meet the needs of Industry 4.0.
More info: http://www.caeconference.com/


General Assembly Meeting after 24 months

18 Oct 2017

The CREATE consortium met at General Assembly Meeting after 24 months. The meeting took place from 18th to 20th October in Venice, Italy and was organized by LUVATA. The agenda of the meeting included the project overview and overall progress, an exploitation workshop led by FENIX TNT, and presentations of individual work packages. Within these presentations, partners presented the work package update, progress, issues, and achievements and plans for the next 6-months period. FENIX TNT also brought new promo materials to each partner, so they can share it within their events and activities where the CREATE project will be presented.

The consortium also had an opportunity to explore the beautiful city of Venice and meet at the social dinner in the centre of the city.

We would like to thank LUVATA for their hospitality. Next meeting will happen again after 6 months and we will soon inform you about the details.

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New CREATE promo materials

11 Oct 2017

New promo materials were created in the framework of dissemination process of the CREATE project by FENIX. Notepads and hand warmers will be shared within the partners and during the events where the CREATE project will be presented.

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M24 CREATE project meeting

29 Sep 2017

Review Meeting after 24 months of the CREATE project is coming!
The meeting will be held from 18th to 20th October in Venice, Italy and hosted by LUVATA.

The meeting will consist of the project overview, an exploitation workshop (leaded by FENIX), and presentations of individual work packages. Within these presentations, partners will present the work package update, progress, issues, and achievements and plans for the future.
We will continue to inform you about the course of the meeting.

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CREATE project progress at BuildUP portal

28 Jul 2017

BuildUP portal, The European Portal For Energy Efficiency In Buildings, published an article about CREATE project and its progress.
The article describes CREATE system and its components, how it works and how is it tested.
Read the whole article here.

CREATE build up progress

CREATE is part of the E2VENT Cluster projects

03 Jul 2017

The CREATE project is now connected with new cluster project: E2VENT project. The main aim of the E2VENT project is to develop an energy efficient ventilated facades for optimal adaptability and heat exchange enabling low energy architectural concepts for the refurbishment of existing buildings. E2VENT presents an innovative technology based on smart heat recovery units and latent heat thermal energy storage which are going to be integrated into the ventilated façade cavity.
Find out more about E2VENT on the project website: www.e2vent.eu

CREATE Project part of the EEB PPP Project Review 2017

18 May 2017

The CREATE project is one of the 155 energy-efficient H2020 and FP7 projects presented in the 6th edition of the EeB PPP Project Review 2017. This yearly publication presents the progress and results of 110 co-funded projects within the EeB PPP under the 7th framework programme (FP7) for 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 and 45 co-funded projects under the HORIZON 2020 programme for 2014, 2015 and 2016.

International Building Fair in Brno 2017

26 Apr 2017

A year later FENIX TNT presented the CREATE project again during the International Building Fair in Brno, Czech Republic, it took place 26th – 29th April 2017. Fair is well known for a unique presentation of all aspects of housing and house constructions, building management services, technical solutions, equipment and furniture. We are glad that CREATE project could participate in this extraordinary event.

M18 meeting in Brussels

19 Apr 2017

The general meeting of the CREATE project after 18 months of the project took place in Brussels, Belgium, from 19th to 21st April 2017. The first day of the meeting was dedicated to review meeting of last 18 months with the participation of the Project Officer from the European Commission. The General Assembly meeting was scheduled for the last two days.
CREATE M18meeting 01

EMR2017 Conference

05 Apr 2017

The CREATE project was presented within the presentation “Storing heat in hydration transitions: illustrated with K2CO3” by Henk Huinink from TU Eindhoven, at the 3rd Energy & Materials Research Conference (EMR 2017) on 5-7/4/2017 in Lisbon, Portugal. EMR is a forum for discussion of the latest research in materials for energy, with attendance of more than 130 researchers from 35 countries.
More info: http://emr2017.org/

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BRIMEE conference

25 Jan 2017

The CREATE project was exhibited during BRIMEE Conference organized by FENIX TNT. Conference took place on the 25th January 2017 at the Rectorate Brno University of Technology in Brno, Czech Republic.
Participants of the conference had chance to see presentations about various topics connected with green materials, new technologies and innovations in the construction sector. The event concluded with the BRIMEE project demo site visit, where panels made of the Nano Crystalline Cellulose foam have already been installed.

create brimee conf 1


16 Jan 2017

The CREATE project was exhibited by FENIX TNT on BAU17, the World’s Leading Trade Fair connected with civil engineering, which took place in Munich, Germany. BAU presented a display of architecture, materials and systems for commercial and residential construction and interior design, for both new-build and R&M projects.
Every year around 2,000 exhibitors from more than 40 countries showcases a comprehensive range of materials and technologies for planning and construction.

create BAU 1

Second newsletter release

05 Jan 2017

CREATE project released second e-Newsletter! Subscribe on our website to get the newest information about the project! You can find the newsletter in Documents section.

CREATE project video

06 Dec 2016

The CREATE project released

ECTP Conference

17 Nov 2016

The aim of the ECTP Conference was to present and discuss current and anticipated innovation in the field of built environment. High-level speakers from academia, industry and the European Commission introduced global schemes and visions from various stakeholders.
The aim of the conference was to address diverse issues under the five priority areas of the ECTP: active aging and design; energy and efficient buildings; heritage and regeneration; infrastructure and mobility; and materials and sustainability. During the event, booths and posters of innovative European projects were exhibited to the participants of the conference.
The CREATE project was exhibited by FENIX TNT representatives. The ECTP Conference took place on the 18th of November 2016 in Centre for Fine Arts, in Brussels, Belgium.
Short video from the conference


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M12 CREATE project meeting

25 Oct 2016

M12 meeting of the CREATE project, hosted by the DOW partner in Villa Wolff in Bomlitz, Germany, took place on 25.-27. October 2016. Meeting included two days of presenting work progress, planning and brainstorming activities.

create M12 meeting 2

EUROSUN Conference

11 Oct 2016

The EUROSUN conference was held 11th – 14th October 2016 in Palma de Mallorca has gathered companies and universities from around the world. The subjects presented covered a wide spectrum of applications of energy production, conversion and storage having as the common point solar energy.
The intermittent character of the solar energy makes the subject of energy storage extremely relevant. In particular, the case of heat storage is very important for the built environment and the evolution towards zero energy buildings and was also the subject of several presentations and posters at EUROSUN. In this context, the seasonal heat storage use case addressed in CREATE is one of the important topics discussed at EUROSUN.
The CREATE project has been introduced to the EUROSUN participants with an oral presentation by Anca Anastasopol (TNO). The successful demonstration of the heat battery using thermochemical materials in MERITS was presented as an introduction to the CREATE project. The continuation of this route in CREATE was received with enthusiasm and interest by the audience.

First newsletter release

26 Jul 2016

CREATE project released first Newsletter! Subscribe on our website to get the newest information about the project.
You can find the newsletter in Documents section.

Infoday NMBP H2020

29 Jun 2016

Information Day NMBP (Nanotechnologies, Advanced materials, Biotechnology and Production) took place on the 29th June, 2016 at the Technology Centre ASCR in Prague, Czech Republic. The CREATE project was represented by FENIX TNT.
The aim of the seminar was to introduce Work Programme NMBP for year 2017 and inform about prepared consultations of the European Commission for the Work Programme in years 2018-2020. Participants had a chance to see presentations of the Czech major research centers and companies working in project consulting.

11th ISES Eurosun conference 2016

26 May 2016

TNO partner submitted paper in Eurosun conference proceedings, which took place in Palma, Mallorca on 12th October 2016.

EuroSun 2016 was a unique platform to discuss the latest developments with leading solar energy specialists as well as policy makers and industry representatives. The congress hosted topic sessions, keynote speakers, plenary sessions and open discussion forums, as well as social events where you will have the opportunity to network, to meet old friends and to make new contacts.


MSE 2016 - Material Science for Engineering

26 May 2016

The partners TNO and TUE represented the CREATE project on MSE 2016, which was organized on 26th - 28th September 2016 in Darmstadt, Germany.


M6 MEETING in Genova, Italy

24 May 2016

M12 progress meeting was held 24-26 May 2016 in Genova (Italy) and was hosted by DAPPOLONIA.

This meeting corresponds to the end of the first half year of the CREATE project.


CREATE on BuildUp Portal

13 May 2016

The BUILD UP initiative was established by the European Commission in 2009 to support EU Member States in implementing the Energy
Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). The BUILD UP web portal is intended to reap the benefits of Europe's collective intelligence on energy reduction in buildings for all relevant audiences. It brings together new practitioners and professional associations while motivating them to exchange best working practices and knowledge and to transfer tools and resources. The BUILD web portal targets professionals working in the building sector (public or private) with an interest on the latest developments at technical or practice level, policy legislation, financial issues, etc.


International Building Fair Brno, Czech Republic

20 Apr 2016

20.-23.4. 2016, Brno, Czech Republic

The CREATE project was presented by the partner FENIX during the International Building Fair in Brno - a unique presentation of all aspects of housing and house constructions, building management services, technical solutions and equipment.

Spanning an exhibition space of over 19,000 square meters, 772 exhibitors from 20 countries attended the IBF 2016 to showcase their products, innovations, and services. The fair welcomed more than 45 000 visitors.

See the photos in our Gallery.
More info: http://www.bvv.cz/en/building-fairs-brno/

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6th workshop on Impact of the EEB

18 Apr 2016

The CREATE project was represented by TNO on the 6th Workshop on the Impact of the Energy-efficient Buildings Public-Public Private PartnershipEnergy-efficient Buildings Public-Public Private Partnership (EeB cPPP) that was organised on 18 and 19 April 2016 in Brussels, Belgium. The objectives of the Workshop were to address innovation and exploitation issues in running EeB projects and explore potential for cross-project clustering.

Brochure and roll up poster designed

10 Mar 2016

CREATE brochure and roll up poster to be used during dissemination events were designed and can be downloaded from the section Documents.

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Social network profiles

10 Nov 2015

Social media campaign established for CREATE project! You can now follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Facebook.

Google+: CREATE project
LinkedIn: CREATE project
Twitter: @CREATEproject1
Facebook: Create project


Kick Off Meeting, Brussels

13 Oct 2015

The CREATE project officially started on 1st October 2015. Two days Kick off meeting was hosted by project coordinator NTO in Brussels, Belgium on 13-14th October 2015. More than 30 researchers representing the 12 partners were present and start to work together. The smooth progress of the meeting makes us hope a successful project.

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Infoday EEB PPP H2020

07 Sep 2015

The CREATE project was exhibited by FENIX TNT during NATIONAL INFORMATION DAY. The information day took place on the 7th September, 2015 at the Technology Centre ASCR in Prague, Czech Republic. National Information Day was focused on the theme of Energy-efficient Buildings (EeB).
The aim of the meeting was to introduce the system of PPP partnerships EEB to the participants. Inform them about the impending new challenges and about the research and activities which are available in the Czech Republic.